Soviet-Politburo System.

Two events common to both is the striving toward consensus and the use of dialogue between all participants to arrive there.

Dean Gotcher

The Soviet
(the consensus process)

    A method used to set policy, politicizing all departments of government, from the local to the global environment, from the home to the highest public offices, with all participants making decision through the consensus processes, bypassing (negating) local control.  The purpose of the method is to remove the influence of set laws and standards, established in the past (laws which are established by authority greater than human nature, human nature is a persons feelings and thoughts, his perception, guiding him in the here and now), so new laws, in touch with the changing times, in touch with every persons feelings and thoughts, could be established. "Laws must not fetter human life; but yield to it; they must change as the needs and capacities of the people change."  Karl Marx Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right

Uniting "common values" and "collective experience," the pathway to universal partnership and the negation of Godly restraint.

This method requires the identification of the patriarchal paradigm, so that those who demonstrate such a way of thinking can be either transformed or extruded from any policy setting environmenttheir potential for propagating a patriarchal paradigm neutralized, and their significance to persuade others to join them in initiating and sustaining a patriarchal paradigm marginalized.  The method itself can be summed up in the combination of conditions necessary for continuous change.

  1. a diverse group of people, so an environment of antithesis or conflict (cognitive dissonance) can be used to force all participants to focus upon their personal feelings—toward themselves and toward others, seeking affirmation,
  2. dialoguing to consensus, since both negate objective truth, i.e., the father's/Father's authority, i.e., local control as a bases for settling differences.
    1. dialogue negates categorical imperatives, (an established, unquestionable thesis position on an issue) and
    2. consensus requires that all participants consider each others "feelings" on the issues at hand so that all can come to a collective agreement all can "feel" acceptable.
  3. over social issues, so that standards not comprehendible to all participants can be excluded (a minority report at the most) in deciding the final outcome,
  4. in a facilitated meeting, since it would be too hard for individuals in the group, and thus the group itself, to overcome the effects of those with the patriarchal paradigm in taking control over the meeting
  5. to a pre-determined outcome, using the consensus process in all meetings in order to negate the father's/Father's authority system in setting policy.

"The ideal of democratic deliberation is an intelligent and uncoerced consensus concerning what should be done. This consensus will attempt to incorporate the valid insights and values of all parties in the conflict. The validity of these various insights and values is to be tested by the common study, deliberation, and discussion of the group and ultimately by the consequences of the common plan as it works out in action and as these consequences are evaluated by the common judgment of the group."  Kenneth Benne  Human Relations in Curriculum Change

A soviet can be practiced from the day care center to the nursing home, in every institution in the land.  In fact, for the "New World Order" to succeed, the soviet method must be practiced in education, at the work place, in government, and even in the church.  The greatest obstacle to overcome is the influence of the traditional home, the patriarchal home that is.  "Time out" (considering the feelings and thoughts of others as well as your own, discovered through dialogue) must replace chastening (considering the difference between right and wrong, discovered through "the force of an adult") if the outcome, equality, is to be achieved.

Dialogue, considering everybody's feelings and thoughts, must replace unquestioned obedience to authority (patriarchal authority that is).  In this way faith in God, authority which resides above a person nature, authority who authors laws which restrain human nature is replaced with "honest doubt," where that which is above mans nature is replace with concerns about those things which flow from mans nature—humanism; man must become the measure for man.  Change must become the eternal banner for the hope of social harmony.  Rigid rules of behavior must be replaced with the freedom of spontaneity.  "The philosophers have come up with many different views of the world, the objective however, is change."  Karl Marx  Feuerbach Thesis #11   In this way all ideals and truths must be treated as opinions, and opinions, illuminating how others feel and think, must be valued, as truths.  "Truth is a moment in correct praxis."  Antonio Gramsci   In this environment, any transcendent truth which interferes with individual and social harmony is treated as irrelevant.

The Politburo
(government run by departments)

The uniting of all branches of government through departments (unelected personnel), created to assist the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial offices in their control of the citizens (protect their "human rights").  These departments network (seamless) between the different branches of government bringing all policies made under one process, that being the soviet system.  In this way the citizens have not clear voice over government, while still given the "right" to vote for electable officials.  The perception of "grass roots" support allows those in a position of control over the citizens to use that power for their predetermined outcome, the control of the citizens for their own ends (disguised as "concern" for the citizens and their needs). The power granted these departments carry within themselves the power invested within each branch of government, each department having their own legislative, executive, and judicial powers.  In this way all citizens along with their duly elected officers are under the control of the soviet system and those who initiate and sustain itfacilitators.  School to Work being a major outcome of the politburo system, "happy" workers of the world united under concerns for their "human rights."

© Institution for Authority Research  Dean Gotcher 2015, 2018